Mom Rolfes’ Favourite Recipes

Mom Rolfes’ favourite recipes. We try and make everything homemade in our home and would like to share some of our favourite recipes with you so you can enjoy some Homemade products in your home!

One day we will update this page with more of Mom Rolfes’ Favourite recipes, she enjoyed baking and we inherited a lot of her hand written recipes. Those are so precious to us. We will share one of her famous zucchini candy recipes once we have a change to make it so we can take an actual picture of our creation.

White bread

Mom Rolfes’ favourite white bread recipe, she enjoyed making fresh bread frequently. This is the recipe she used and we have continued with the tradition. While we have changed our way of living to incorporate as much as possible home grown or Homemade right in the comfort of our home, we would like to share the recipe with you.

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Mom Rolfes’ delicious Brownie recipe. Mom enjoyed entertaining guests and ensuring everyone had a full stomach before they left their long coffee visit.

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